Does anyone else suffer from migraines? They are the worst, right?! When I get a migraine, I say a prayer and buckle down! Migraines are more than just headaches and can be challenging to manage. I used to just pop a couple of Excedrin migraine pills, but over the years, I’ve needed to adapt, and I don’t know the last time I took Excedrin Migraine medication (pregnancy and breastfeeding play a role in that, too, though). As my brothers, dad, and I all suffer from migraines, I have learned some different tips and tricks that have helped me tremendously so that I can somewhat function when I get hit with one. Years ago, I was on a prescription for my migraines, but those knocked me out – and if I can not medicate, that’s what I’ll always prefer to do. Anyway, I wanted to share my favorite tried and true migraine remedies!
Insight & Advice
- Botox. I get it injected into my forehead and also my jaw on occasion to help with clenching. It definitely has helped with the overall frequency of my migraines to get it done consistently.
- Heat. In general, heat isn’t always the best solution because it can help expand those blood vessels. However, when I have tension in my neck or head with a migraine, the heat feels SO GOOD!!
- Cold. The cold is miserable for my migraines, but that also helps it work, unfortunately. Applying cold pressure helps constrict the blood vessels. The Thera Ice Mask/Cap has been MAGIC in relieving my migraines! The first time I tried it on (straight out of the freezer), I don’t think I lasted more than 20 seconds. It was awful, and I was not too fond of it. After pulling it out of the freezer, I now wait a minute, put it on my head, and lay down for about 15-20 minutes. It has consistently taken me off the edge of my migraines, so I’m able to function.
- Hydrating! This might seem obvious, but it is so vital when it comes to migraines. I love my Stanley to keep hydrated, but whatever you can do to drink water. Beyond that, our bodies need electrolytes. This Liquid IV is an electrolyte I’ve loved for years that doesn’t taste gross (and you know I’m super picky).
Then, I wanted to actually share some suggestions that came in on Instagram from you guys-
- Chiropractic care
- Cutting out artificial sweeteners (cough cough, Aspartame is at the top of that list) and dyes. Gosh, the more I research food dyes and artificial sweeteners, the more I hate them! There are so many adverse reactions to them it’s no wonder our bodies are trying to reject them.
- Daith piercing – I know so many people who have done this and loved it and had great success with it! I’ve heard it’s BEST to get pierced while you’re in the thick of a migraine, but I don’t know since I’ve never done it.
Remedies, Tactics & More
As I mentioned before, I used to take Excedrin for migraines, and it always helped take the edge off, but I am incredibly sensitive to caffeine (and it doesn’t play nicely with my anxiety). So, my go to is 3 ibuprofen, 2 Tylenol, and 1 Benadryl. I can’t always do this, especially right now in this season of life as a nursing mama with a newborn but it does seem to do the trick!! This is my favorite solution at night, and I can kind of “sleep it off.” If caffeine DOES work for you, grab a Diet Coke or even a coffee and see how that helps, haha! I have an early cut-off for caffeine; it’s 1 pm… but on days with a migraine, anything goes.
When it comes down to tackling my migraines, these are the items or products that I try and are able to help provide me relief-

Ice Roller: Gosh, this has some other benefits, too (like helping to reduce inflammation or morning puffiness), but it feels so good on my sinuses when I wake up with a migraine.
Dramamine: This is not my personal preferred method, but so many of you on Instagram said this is the only thing that will work! This will be a new method I will have to test out, but I can see how this would help aid the migraine systems.
Magnesium: Either the Calm Gummies or the Magnesium Glycinate was recommended by my doctor. I take magnesium as part of my supplement lineup daily to prevent them (if I can).
Essential Oils: This peppermint or past tense essential oil from Doterra is my favorite. I like applying them with a roller at the base of my neck for tension headaches. You can also use it for your temples (make sure it does not get close to your eyes at all). Even just inhaling it makes a difference.
Eye Mask: I typically need the room to be pitch black. With my migraines, I become sensitive to all light and sound – so I love that this eye mask gives me total darkness and leaves a little room for my false lashes.
Neck Heat Pack: This heat neck pack can also be thrown in the freezer. It has many uses, but it helps ease my sore neck/muscles when dealing with a tension headache.
Frequently, my migraines come because of my sinus problems! If there is poor air quality, and my sinuses are inflamed on top of an already bad airway, it’s the perfect storm for migraines. I have so much pressure in my head! My doctor recommends using a saline mist and a nebulizer to help break things down. Not only does this help me sleep better, but it helps with the overall inflammation in my sinuses, and it’s more of a preventative for me with my migraines.
Migraines can be challenging to manage and differ for everyone, but relief is possible with the proper remedies and tools. Hopefully, with all the I, here is something that works for everyone, and these products, tactics, and advice are helpful for you in finding your best migraine methods <33