Today, I thought it would be fun to share an update on baby #3 and a little peek at a day in the life over here with our newest addition to the family, our precious Navy Rose. It’s been an incredible journey so far, filled with endless cuddles, sleepless nights, and countless diaper changes. Our little one has truly stolen our hearts in every possible way, and every day brings new joys and challenges. Throughout this update, I will also highlight and share some baby must-haves and essentials we have come across; when you can make life easier, why not? Especially when life includes a newborn. I also added some pictures of sweet moments and memories with our favorite girl!
A Look Into Our Daily Routine:
First things first, everything for Navy is still on a 2-3 hour rotation with wake windows being anywhere from 45-60 minutes. The start of our mornings revolves around getting the boys to school and feeding Navy. After feeding, I will pump for the first time in the day using the Spectra, which I love. Or if I am running late, I will use the Momcozy heading to school. Both of these pumps are breastfeeding-approved by me; they work great and are super handy. Once we drop the boys off at school, we head home for tummy and playtime!
I don’t know why this Fisher-Price Baby Playmat Deluxe has such a chokehold on us, but it does. It’s truly amazing because it can grow with your little one and be used for a long time. We also love the Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Soother Musical Crib Toy! This cute little aquarium attaches to the side of the crib, allowing your baby to be entertained and soothed. I also had this with my boys, and it’s such a hit! Sometimes, if I need to get something done, I know I can place Navy in the crib for a few minutes and turn that on, and it will keep her distracted, occupied, and happy, one point for team mom!
After tummy time, we tend to read a couple of books. I absolutely love high-contrast books! Like most books, they are great for introducing your baby to simple shapes, objects, and patterns, but where these differ is the element of high contrast in black-and-white. That element is so important because babies can see high-contrast black-and-white shapes and patterns from the very first days of life. Therefore, babies will be more likely to see those books, building an experience for their young developing eyes. Below, I linked a few favorites and best-selling high-contrast books.

Now it’s time for a nap! Most of Navy’s naps are contact naps – meaning she’s sleeping on me and not alone in her bassinet or crib. The easiest way to do contact naps is to do it while babywearing. She feels safe and cozy, we can bond, and I can also get stuff done. Typically, when I’m wearing her, I will do a cleaning pass in the morning on the morning of my house and work on some laundry, etc. I rotate one deeper clean item daily; the rest is a light pickup. For example, one day, I will mop my floors with my Tineco; another day, I may wipe down doors. I have tested a couple of baby carriers out and found a few I really enjoy. I am wearing the Wildbird Willow Aerial Carrier in the pic below, which is my go-to. I also love Solly Baby Wrap, Bumplist Armadillo, and Ergo Carrier. She will sleep for about an hour and a half (I don’t let her go beyond two hours). And then does a wake window in which we repeat the process! Change, Feed, change, play. I try to rotate what play activities we get in there. Once she’s back in the wrap, I will get to work on my Seint business – color-matching customers, checking in with them and coaching my Seint team. And I will throw dinner in the crockpot!
Before you know it, it’s evening and time for our bedtime routine. For bath time, we love the Boon Puff + Inflatable Baby Tub – it keeps her warm, and she loves getting a bath! I always call it her spa-like experience. After getting all cleaned up, it’s time to wrap her up like a burrito. I love to use the Halo Sleepsacks. We were first introduced to these in the hospital when we had our first two kids. They’re safe for babies, which is so important. It’s incredible to me how quickly the days come and go and how much (& how little, too) you can get done in those 1-2 hour increments!
Sharing these glimpses into our daily life with baby #3 was such a fun and sweet experience that allowed me to get a new perspective on our daily lives. As we navigate this beautiful yet chaotic phase of parenthood, it’s good to remember we are not alone! I hope this peek into our routines and must-have items can benefit you, whether you’re a new mom, experienced mom, or expecting mom!