Surprise! We Moved... Are you shocked? Get all the details on our recent life update. It feels like the dust has settled, for now, and I need to update you all! Our lives are still in limbo but I will be updating in photo stories soon... If you follow me on instagram, I apologize for the double ... READ the POST
New on the Blog
Idahome’s Backyard Adventures
I snapped these photos last weekend for Father's Day, off of the side of some road in the middle of nowhere. Our own little Idahome backyard adventures. The sunlight was incredible and so were the bug bites. Even though I'm itching like crazy - the photos were worth it. The sunset that night was ... READ the POST
Roman’s Baby Nursery: Sneak Peek
Introducing A Glimpse Of Roman's Baby Nursery (I titled this a 'Sneak Peek' but truly this is the only peek I'm posting... but it is one of my favorite rooms in our house and has the best light!) Oh, baby! Get ready for some baby content, coming at you ... All The Baby Nursery ... READ the POST
Stacy Smart & Family, Life Update Hi, friends! I'm not even going to try to play catch up on here. It's been a while, I know! I do need to journal my pregnancy (the end, especially) and other life happenings around here, though. I won't be sharing my pregnancy on my blog (still debating on ... READ the POST
Roman’s Baby Pictures: Our Lifestyle Baby Shoot
Roman's lifestyle baby shoot. Hypothetical question: is there anything more precious than a gallery of baby images? No way. Get ready for some seriously adorable images, coming your way. I am loving our baby shoot that we did for Roman, featuring our entire family. “There are ... READ the POST
Mother’s Day As A Boy Mom
Is there anything greater than being a boy mom? Happy Mother's Day, friends! What a truly special day. My little boys are my greatest blessing and bring me the deepest joy. Nothing beats being a boy mom, for me. It is such a privilege to be able to have them and know they are mine. I ... READ the POST