I love these throwback photos of some of my favorite people (who also happen to be among the best beauty bloggers on Instagram in my opinion, too). Anyone else miss the days when social distancing wasn’t a thing? To be honest, I’ve always considered myself an “extroverted introvert”. I love being around friends but sometimes in big groups it drains my emotional energy. When that happens, and I have to step away to meditate and regroup (which I’ve always felt bad about but I probably shouldn’t). 😬
Until recently, I never realized how much I crave social gatherings and human – in PERSON connection.
I think especially as a woman, and even more so as a working mom – I need other women. I’ve learned over the years the power and importance of surrounding yourself with people who encourage, support, and love you. Flaws and all.
Real, authentic connection is so important. It’s how you get to really know each other. And how I know that one of the women pictured below isn’t on social media but is the most social person I’ve ever met. It’s also why another one of these women makes me laugh until I almost wet my pants. It’s also how I know that I can always count on her if I needed something.
When we live in a world of algorithms, curated feeds, hashtags, and followers, human connection is everything.
I’m incredible thankful for these beautiful friends of mine who have texted me randomly to check in the past couple of months. Outside of our normal conversations! I am so grateful for 𝘢𝘭𝘭 of the kind and encouraging women in my life. I’m surrounded by them, thanks to Maskcara – some live close and some live thousands of miles away. These women help me strive to become a better version of myself. This is so much more than simply a direct sales business for me.
If you don’t have friends that pour life, love and belief into you… come sit with us.
There’s room for everyone at our table. ❤️ Please don’t hesitate to join us.