Ready to grow your social selling business but don’t know how? I am excited to share some tips for growing your new business! Whether you’re a brand new seller, or you’ve been with a company since the beginning, these tips will help set you up for success.

Have you ever heard that what you focus on grows? It’s true! Laser-focus in on what is is you want to achieve, believe in yourself and the fact that you CAN do it, and find a way to make it happen today! Your Business isn’t going to grow itself – you have to do the work.
First of all, make a list of what is it you’re wanting to focus on. Do you want to grow your market and network? Increase your sales? Improve your knowledge of the product? Bring on new team mates and business partners? Whatever it is you’re wanting to do – these tips will help your business grow.
I was an Influencer and Top leader with my Seint Business for over seven years – and I’ve learned a lot in my journey and I want to share with you! These tips I’m sharing today are the exact same tips I shared in my private group trainings with my team.
Be Consistent in your Business
You’ve got to show up! The “cash” is in the consistency! If you want to get paid – you’ve got to treat your business like a job. Show up every day – ready to work. If you want to build a legacy and a sustainable business, realize that it takes consistency over time. Don’t view quitting as an option for a minimum of two years. Success isn’t going to happen over night, it just doesn’t work that way. Growth takes time, sacrifice, discomfort, and energy. But, in the end… growth gives you time, opportunities, comfort, and energy. Keeping your foot on the gas for your selling journey is something that will reward you big time in the long run! If you want to see real results, work your business consistently – every day.

Self Development
This step is everything! The fastest way to grow your business is to grow yourself. Work on YOU. When you are able to learn how you work most efficiently, who you work best with, and what motivates you, you can accomplish so much more! Push yourself to become more and better than you are today

Get ready to be comfortable being uncomfortable (because growth and change happens outside of our comfort zones). You can’t claim you want to grow and then run away the minute you feel growing pains. This is the number one reason I see people fail – they are too scared to handle the growth. Recognize that growing pains are a real thing – they’re going to happen and it won’t always be easy. If you consistently plugging into self-development you will start to do better. We do better when we know better.
Every artist on my Seint team received exclusive access to Audible and could listen to hundreds of self development books whenever they wanted! Fill your mind with positive thoughts. You have to have confidence in who you are, what you’re doing — even if others think you’re crazy and haven’t caught the vision.
Show Up for Your Company’s Events
First (and most importantly), buy your ticket and get yourself to a corporate event!! Buy your ticket and GO – no excuses! It will change your business! If you have a team you are working with – get them to the annual convention as well. If you are worried about not knowing anyone, know you aren’t going alone, you will be surrounded by women who are there to lift others up and have a vision!
Events are a founding brick for my business. They are a critical piece to your business and growth as an entrepeneur. In my experience, events recharge our batteries, renew our vision, and encourage us out of our comfort zones. Not to mention, all of the powerful training and education that is packed into them makes them a perfect opportunity to grow and learn. Events are where leaders are born!